Don't cross him off your list yet! Compatibility goes much deeper than common interests and hobbies. There is so much more to compatibility than if you both like tennis or prefer conservative politics. Check out these five predictors for two people to be a good romantic match beyond the surface interests.
1. Bio-rhythms. If you like to sleep in and your partner wakes at dawn, it can be a deal breaker. Unless one of you is willing to entertain yourself while waiting for the other to rise, it's better to have a similar bio-rhythm which is your innate body clock. This helps you share the same eating and sleeping schedule.
2. Basic values. The two of you need to hold similar basic values about telling the truth, doing the right thing (whatever that is), social conduct, etc., to predict how you will get along. If you follow the letter of the law, while your partner hasn't paid taxes in seven years, that's a sure sign you're not aligned on basic values.
3. Sociability. You love to be social and go out with friends. He's a quiet homebody who requires time alone. You can bridge this gap, but it is something to think about for how well you might enjoy the same way of life.
4. Communication. Can you talk things out to resolve problems? Communication ranks very high for compatibility and lasting love. In addition, being a good listener often makes your partner feel respected, heard and loved which is why communication skills are essential. You simply cannot know this on the first date.
5. Compromise. When two people get together, compromise is a must. Everything can't be just one way. Sometimes you take turns, but other times you'll both need to give in to come to an agreement. If your date shows signs of rigidity, think twice about how well he'll compromise.
If you tend to write a guy off quickly, give more men at least a second date. Sometimes the little things in life are what make you happy and compatible.
The point is, having hobbies in common could be nice, but might not be the best predictor of compatibility on a first date. Think beyond swimming and pop music to figure out if a guy has potential. There is much to be gained from dating your opposite as you discover new things to enjoy in a loving partnership that can last a lifetime.
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