Monday, 25 November 2013

Easy Tips To Help Her Reach The Big O

For years, the clitoris was considered the only trigger for the female orgasm. Alas, even finding the clitoris turned out to be a daunting task for many men, and things didn't get any easier in 1950 when a physician by the name of Dr. Ernst Grafenberg found an even more mysterious female pleasure spot hidden within the vagina.

This area became popularised by sexologists as the 'G-spot'. It turns out that stimulation of the G-spot produces a very powerful kind of female orgasm.

For both of these reasons, finding, stimulating and discovering how to master the woman's G-spot has become, for both men and women, the Holy Grail of female pleasuring.

What exactly is the G-spot? It is the bean-shaped, spongy tissue of the paraurethral gland, which is analogous to the male prostate. The actual area is rather small, but it feels rougher to the touch than the surrounding tissue. Because the G-spot is composed of erectile tissue, it swells up when blood rushes to it - especially if you learn how to master the woman's G-spot effectively. It is located about one to two inches back from the vaginal opening inside the front vaginal wall. The 'front' wall is the wall of the vagina on the same side as her belly button.

The best way to find the G-spot: First of all, the G-spot is easiest to locate when a woman is sexually aroused, so don't stint on your foreplay first. To locate and master the woman's G-spot, face your partner while she is lying on her back and insert your index or long middle finger into her vagina as far as it will easily go. Then crook it up toward yourself in a "come hither" motion, sliding your fingertip along the top of the vagina until you find an area that is rougher than the rest of that vaginal wall. Make sure you have your fingernails clipped short and buffed before you do this - sharp fingernails will definitely spoil the effort. This rough or slightly ridged area is the "G-spot," and touching it will often cause a woman to react with surprise or pleasure.

If you don't get a reaction, don't be too shy to ask her if she feels especially sensitive when you touch what you think is the spot. You may need to use a fair amount of pressure to find the G-spot because it is located within, not on the outside of, the vaginal wall.

Sometimes, it helps to use your other hand on the outside of the mons pubis (the hairy area above the pubic bone) to lightly massage the skin in the area where your crooked finger is touching to intensify the effect. And since not all women are G-spot sensitive, don't get discouraged if you can't get a special reaction.

While some women are capable of multiple orgasms with repetitive stimulation of the G-spot, others don't get much of a feeling and some even feel discomfort from G-spot stimulation.

No worries - every woman will appreciate the attention and the effort! And while searching, you might discover other areas in her vagina that she responds to even more enthusiastically.

Tapping into love. The best way to manually stimulate the G-spot is with a firm "tapping" motion with your crooked finger. Even women who do not enjoy manual stimulation of the G-spot may enjoy penile stimulation of the spot during intercourse. The "woman on top" positions and posterior (doggy style) positions are best for achieving that contact.

The only way to get G-spot stimulation in the missionary position is to prop her hips up with pillows. Women can also intensify their ability to have G-spot orgasm by learning to contract their pelvic muscles, known as Kegel exercises.

Sex gets better with age. Most young women under 30 find clitoral orgasms to be more powerful because, due to their relatively high oestrogen levels, their vaginal lining becomes too thick to allow direct stimulation of their G-spot nerves.

As the oestrogen level begins to decline in women during their 30s, the vaginal lining becomes thinner and the G-spot becomes more accessible. That's why most women feel that they begin to peak sexually in their early to mid-30s.

What are the main differences between the clitoris and G-spot? Basically, the first thing that you need to know is that the purpose of both the clitoris and the G-spot is to provide sexual pleasure to a woman. Women have far more body parts which can be their premier source of pleasure - including her breasts and her vagina.

Here is a quick definition of each. The clitoris is a small erectile organ located at the anterior part of the vagina. Sex experts say that it is the only human body part whose sole function is to provide women with sexual pleasure. In simple terms, it is that small pleasure button which is located on top of her vaginal opening - the one which can be stimulated to bring her to new sexual heights.

The G-spot is physically similar to the male prostate. It is a bean-shaped tissue which is located just behind the frontal wall of the vagina. Its position is quite tricky, though, unlike the clitoris which is visible to the naked eye. With the G-spot, you need to use some manual dexterity in order to reach it.

However, it is important to note that every woman's body is different, so some may respond better to clitoral stimulation while others may prefer the trickier G-spot stimulation.

Why You Should Be Having More Orgasms

We dont need to convince you to have sex! Sex is a natural way to procreate. But, besides that, sex can bring happiness and relief. Here's having an orgasm could help improve your health.

One of the main reasons orgasm feels so good is because your brain releases the pleasure hormone oxytocin when you climax. Oxytocin is also called the "love hormone" because of its important role in facilitating social bonding between humans. Most of the following points revolve around the release of oxytocin. Read on to discover eleven ways achieving an orgasm can make your life so much better...

1. Orgasms relieve stress.

Anonymous poll has shown that in 2,632 women between the ages of 23 and 90, 39 percent of those who masturbate reported that they do it in order to relax. When someone orgasms, the hormone oxytocin is released from nerve cells in the hypothalamus (a region of the brain) into the bloodstream.

Orgasm relives tension as oxytocin stimulates feelings of warmth and relaxation.

Additionally, research gathered in a study by scientists found that when women experience an orgasm, the amygdala, the part of the brain associated with fear and anxiety, shows little to no activity.

2. An orgasm could make your significant other less likely to cheat.

Researchers in Germany decided to conduct an experiment in 2012 testing the power of oxytocin. They believed that high doses of the "love hormone" would cause men to consider going outside of their relationships, so they gave oxycotin to a group of (heterosexual) men and introduced them to a very attractive woman. The subjects were asked to determine when the attractive woman was at an "ideal distance" or an "uncomfortable distance."

Those who took oxycotin and were in monogamous relationships ended up distancing themselves about four to six inches farther than those who took oxytocin and were single. The researchers hypothesized that instead of oxytocin causing coupled men to cheat, it instead compelled them to hold on tighter to the bond they have already formed with their girlfriends.

3. The female orgasm could make men focus better.

There is so much power in the orgasm that some people are devoted to the practice of "orgasmic meditation," in which two partners focus on achieving the female orgasm. Even men have claimed that they receive health benefits by just pleasuring a woman. Men even confessed that fixing their attention on a tiny spot of a woman's body improves their concentration at work.

4. Orgasms could help with insomnia.

Would you rather take a sleeping pill or have a mind-blowing orgasm to help you get some rest? We think we know the answer. 32 percent of 1,866 U.S. women say they masturbate in order to facilitate falling asleep. Why? No one knows for sure, though some researchers and sex therapists theorize that the release of other neurochemicals, like endorphins, can have a sedative effect.

5. A man's orgasm could (maybe) make a woman less depressed.

A somehow controversial study showed that women who had sex without condoms had fewer signs of depression than women who used condoms or refrained from sex, even when researchers controlled for relationship status and other personal factors.

What does this mean? Semen, resulting from the male orgasm, could be an effective antidepressant for women. That said, unprotected sex is NOT something we'd recommend -- after all, an STD or unplanned pregnancy can surely also contribute to depression, along with other medical and social risks.

The lead psychologist of the study believes the reason semen has the potential to lift a woman's mood is because of the several mood-altering hormones found in it. Most of these hormones werefound in the women's blood shortly after ejaculation.

6. Orgasms help alleviate pain.

There is some evidence that orgasms can relieve all kinds of pain -- including pain from arthritis, pain after surgery and even pain during childbirth. That's thanks to pain-relieving oxytocin and endorphins. Women's pain tolerance and pain detection increased by 74.6 percent and 106.7 percent respectively, when those women masturbated to orgasm.

7. They could help men get over their colds faster.

A study at a German university studied 11 men who were asked to masturbate until completion. Blood was drawn continuously throughout the process, and it was discovered that sexual arousal and orgasm increased the number of "killer" cells called leukocytes. This means that when men are sick, an orgasm could initiate components of their immune system that could help them get over that bug sooner.

8. Steady orgasms could help you live longer.

In 1997, a group of researchers decided to look into the relationship between orgasms and mortality. They studied the sexual frequency of 918 men between the ages of 45 and 59. They evaluated those who died from coronary heart disease and discovered that those who had two or more orgasms a week died at a rate half of those who had orgasms less than once a month. The researchers concluded that "sexual activity seems to have a protective effect on men's health."

While women's orgasms have not been studied as extensively, a research was conducted in 1941, looking at the sex lives of 1,500 couples. The frequency of orgasms women in these couples had was recorded. Twenty years later, same researchers studied the death certificates of each of the women. What they discovered was that the women who reported a frequency of orgasm during intercourse tended to live longer than those who reported being less sexually fulfilled.

9. Orgasms will also stimulate your brain.

Orgasms sure get your blood flowing, and that doesn't exclude blood flow to your brain. In August, researchers asked female subjects to masturbate while lying in a MRI machine that measured blood flow to the brain. When the females orgasmed, it increased blood flow to all parts of the brain while allowing nutrients and oxygenation to travel to their noggins as well.

10. Orgasms could keep you looking young.

Forget plastic surgeries, or cosmetic substances, just have an orgasm. Among thousands of men and women of differing ages, those between the ages of 40 and 50, who reported having sex 50 percent more than other respondents, looked younger. While this study does not explicitly state the specifics as to why orgasms could make you look younger, this could be because intercourse releases the human growth hormone, which makes skin look more elastic.

11. They just get better as you age.

There's no reason to stop having sex when you get older. In fact, you are more likely to enjoy it even more as you enter old age. A study found that sexual satisfaction in women increases with age. Researchers from the University of California studied 806 women living in a planned community home. The study measured the sexual activity of these women who had a median age of 67 and were all postmenopausal. The findings reported that sexually satisfaction actually increased with age, with approximately half of the women over 80 years old reporting sexual satisfaction almost always or always. So, never stop having orgasms!

Guys: 10 Lessons About Female Orgasm

According to the data collected in several major researches, only 25% of women climax during sex with their partner. That is while over 90% of men say they reach orgasm. Thus, gentlemen, it is up to you to ensure that your lady experiences this highest level of sexual satisfaction. These tips might prove very handy in mastering the art of pleasuring a woman.

1.Take her off the clock: Just as you're concerned about lasting longer, many women are so self-conscious about taking too long that they end up faking orgasm or deciding to go without. The solution? Stop obsessing over orgasms-yours and hers. A recent brain-imaging study by Swedish researchers shows that relaxation is the single most important factor in bringing a woman to orgasm. So tell her she has all night. The better you convey not just tolerance for a lengthy buildup, but also appreciation of her sexual pleasure-orgasm or not-the easier it will be for her to unwind and explode. Oh, and studies show that it takes 15 to 40 minutes for the average woman to reach orgasm. Going somewhere?

2. Turn her on with your talent: The best sex starts long before the clothes come off. Talent-more than rugged good looks or a chiseled midsection-is a powerful aphrodisiac, according to researches (less surprisingly, poor hygiene and a messy home are among women's biggest turnoffs.) Demonstrate your sense of humor, for instance.

3. Speak up when she's naked: Women who worry about the way they look down there are less likely to orgasm easily during oral sex, according to researches. And a recent study suggests that women who feel embarrassed or ashamed about their bodies have less sexual experience and are less sexually assertive.

Clearly, you have everything to gain with flattery. If you love the way she looks naked-and you do, right?-share the news.

4. Always be tender on top: During foreplay, gently brush the tops, bottoms, and sides of her breasts; these areas are actually more sensitive than an unaroused areola and nipple. Gradually move in toward her nipples, paying attention to how she responds. As things heat up, the nipples will become flushed with blood, and the sensory receptors will become primed for direct stimulation. You'll kickstart the bloodflow and lubrication down below, starting her slow buildup.

5. Learn her key strokes: One thing many women love during manual stimulation: a slow buildup. Here's how to do it: Lie next to her, lightly bracing the heel of one hand just above her clitoris. Now run your ring and middle fingers along the length of her outer lips. Graze the skin at first, adding pressure as the tension builds. Cup the area around her clitoris with your palm to add indirect stimulation-most women are too sensitive to receive direct contact early on. As she becomes aroused, brace your hand on her pubic mound, the fleshy area that covers her pubic bone, and tease the clitoris with the middles and tips of your fingers as you move your entire hand.

6. Change her angle: Explore various types of penetration to figure out what turns her on most. Your first stop: her G-spot, located about 1 to 2 inches up the front wall of her vagina. This spongy region swells during arousal. Try massaging the area slowly with your fingers. A lot of women find it mind blowing. Not her thing? Just move on.

7. Use moves that multitask: To maximize her pleasure, increase the amount of contact you'll have with her most sensitive parts. Here's one move that will drive her wild: Ask her to lie on her back, with her legs stretched out. Now climb on top. Curl your arms around her shoulders, supporting yourself with your elbows and moving your chest up by her chin. The goal is to bring the base of your penis in contact with her clitoris. Thrust slowly, focusing on up-and-down movement instead of in-and-out penetration. Another great trick: Move your pubic mound in a circle or up and down against her clitoris. You'll get a break from high-intensity stimulation, and she'll receive focused attention where it often matters most.

8. Learn to sense her orgasm: Ease into oral sex-don't just attack. First kiss her inner thighs and her inner and outer lips, then work your way inside using firm, broad strokes with your tongue. Watch her hips for a clue to the rhythm she likes. Listen to her gasps and moans as you experiment with different techniques. And watch for signs she's close to climaxing, such as a subtle deepening in the color of her labia caused by increased bloodflow. Or rest a hand on her stomach and feel for the muscular contractions that immediately precede her orgasm.

9. Follow her lead: Once you reach your point of no return, you'll climax even if you're interrupted by a tuba-playing, thong-clad Charly Boy. But your lady could hit the "off" switch if you stop or change moves midway to orgasm.They it when you try new things, and it's important to vary your technique, but once you've found a winner, stick with it until she crosses the finish line.

10. Let her finish first: Stalking the elusive tandem orgasm is an admirable goal, but many women respond better to a "ladies-first" strategy. If you rub the clitoris for a long time - during thrusting, for example - it can become too sore or desensitized to respond to manual or oral stimulation later. So satisfy her before intercourse. Bonus: A woman's orgasm threshold drops after her first one, so it's often easier to bring her to climax through penetration after she's already had one. How does that sound for an encore?

Things To Remember Before You Cheat

The world is full of sexy women, and all of us have felt the urge to stray, even just for one night. Here's why staying faithful pays off, for your relationship and for your sex life.

1: When presented with the ideal cheating scenario, that is, if a flying saucer lands in the cornfield where you happen to be standing and a female alien of sinus-clearing hotness slithers down the ramp and declares that she wants to come in peace a minimum of four times in the next hour, and you take her up on it because you know no one will ever find out, no one must ever find out.

2: Someone will always find out.

3: If you get caught, the law is on your wife's side. And you won't lose just half of your stuff. The other half, the golf clubs, the surround sound, the Armani will be destroyed in a spectacular driveway bonfire as every angry woman you know toasts marshmallows shaped like your testicles.

4: And if you're not married? Your longtime girl is bound by no law.

5: Or, to paraphrase Neil Simon, do to yourself what you would otherwise do unto others.

6: If a woman who knows you're spoken for comes on to you, it's flattering. It's tempting. But remember that she's doing it to feed her own ego, not yours. She wants to see how much power she holds over you. And if you take her bait, she then knows she must be superior in every way to your sweetie. Deep down, she has nothing but contempt for both your male weakness and your mate's existence. That should really piss you off.

7: According to the Shari'ah, the laws of ancient Islam, adulterers must be stoned to death. Before you say, "Dude, cool," we mean with rocks. In these parts, that's what will happen to your good name. Friends you made while you were a couple will disappear. Friends you had as a single guy are long gone. That leaves you with the hard drinkers.

8: You're about to be with the kind of woman who wants to be with the kind of man who would cheat on a woman.

9: Channel all temptation toward the girl you left at home. Example: When out for a night with the boys, go to Hooters, not a strip club or roadhouse. Hooters girls are the unsung heroines of relationship therapy, gorgeous, chatty, and so untouchable that you always go home hungry. Your girl has no idea her sex life will improve tenfold when you get there.

10: At the office party, pretend the coworker who's flirting with you has gonorrhea.

11: If your ex calls, enjoy a pleasant 5-minute conversation. Then tell her your wife's on the other line.

12: Treat your temptation as a cage match. Defeating that treacherous organ between your legs is the ultimate triumph of man over nature. It's you versus your penis. He's up for the challenge. Are you?

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

ORGASM WAR: WATCH As Gay Man Tries To Make Straight Man Climax Against His Will (WARNING: Explicit Video)

Anyone remember the game show "Make Me Laugh," in which comedians tried to make contestants giggle within a time limit? Well, this is a "make me climax" variation: A gay man tries to bring a straight man to orgasm against his will.

The show is called "Orgasm Wars," and it airs on late-night Japanese TV.

GRAPHIC WARNING: The footage below features graphic sexual scenes.

Dramatically narrated for a jokey effect, the variety program features straight Japanese porn star Ryou Sawai meeting his "opponent," Takuya, in a warehouse. They exchange boasts of who will win and then get down to business. Takuya performs oral sex on the porn star but all the graphic action takes place discreetly in a covered box. Takuya has 40 minutes to finish the job as university students cheer on the contestants.

Can Takuya succeed? Watch the 10-minute footage below to find out.

Poko x Tate - Orgasm wars: AV actor Sawai VS... by jimakutv

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Reasons Why Women Fake An Orgasm In Bed!

An orgasm is such a touchy subject, when it comes to the bedroom, there are so many women who don't orgasm all the time, and end up faking it more often.

Statistics vary widely, and no one can really tell what percentage of women fake it or really experience it. But if one thing's almost certain, it's the unverified assumption that all women have faked an orgasm at least once in their lifetime!

Here are 22 common reasons why women fake an orgasm.

1. The biggest reason. It's a fake pity orgasm. You're not arousing her enough to bring her to climax, and she's given up on achieving an orgasm. But your woman doesn't want to hurt your feelings because she cares about you, and finds it easier to just fake it and end it.

2. She's not in the mood. You're horny and turned on. But she's not. And she's having sex only because you want it. She'd probably try to warm up to the act, but if she doesn't feel like it, she may just fake it.

3. She knows she's not going to orgasm. This is psychological, and she probably knows she's going to fake it even before you penetrate her. As a guy, you may have experienced a few occasions yourself when you start having sex with your girl, and almost immediately know that you may not last through the sex. And just like that, sometimes your girl may know she's not going to orgasm, and she just wants to be done with it.

4. She's preoccupied. There's something on her mind, and she's too distracted to enjoy sex. She may make love to you, but her preoccupied mind may just distract her from having a real orgasm.

5. She knows you're trying hard. She's feeling bad about it, but for some reason, she's just not able to orgasm. And she doesn't want to hurt your feelings or land a blow on your confidence, so she lies to you just to see you smile proudly.

6. You're boring! Well, let's face it, you may be rather boring one night. And if she's getting tired of the to-and-fro and is subduing her yawns with her palms, it may just be easier to fake it without being too mean.

7. You're waiting for her. You're almost about to explode, and she can feel it. You move in and out of her a few times, and you hold your breath like you're trying hard to prevent a case of premature ejaculation, before continuing again. And your woman, being the sweetheart that she is, may just fake it to save you from an awkward spurt!

8. She's embarrassed. She's not able to orgasm for some reason beyond her knowledge, and she feels embarrassed by it. And her embarrassment is making her feel worse and preventing her from even enjoying the sex. It's so much easier to just fake it because she doesn't want you to think it's her fault.

9. Anger issues. She's angry with you, or is giving you the silent treatment. And you teasing her and seducing her into having sex isn't helping, because she'll hate you more for it. But if she doesn't want to confront the issue or sit up talking about it, she may find it easier to just do the deed instead.

10 She's stressed out. Your woman could have had a long and tiring day, and as much as she wants to enjoy sex, she may just be too tired to enjoy it. And if she doesn't want to upset you or make you feel bad about your performance, she may just fake it.

11. She's in a hurry. You're initiating sex out of the blue, and she's got better things to do. Perhaps, she wants to sleep, watch her favorite show or get out and do something. What's the fastest way to wrap sex up? Yeah, fake it!

12. The pressure to make it awesome. It's a special day and sex is just expected to be awesome and mind blowing! It could be your anniversary or a birthday, and if she doesn't feel great that night, she might just pretend to be completely turned on and aroused, just to make sex more memorable for you.

13. She's had her share of fun. A woman doesn't always have to orgasm to enjoy sex. Sometimes, she may feel like she's had her share of fun and may just want to end it without reaching for an orgasm.

14. Boredom. She's bored with her sex life, and the things you do just don't excite her anymore. It's monotonous and boring, and rather than confront it, she may just resign her mind to the fact that sex isn't as exciting as it once was!

15. The guy takes too long. Your girl may just want to finish up because she wants to sleep or be done with it. And if you're trying really hard to push her soft spots and make her orgasm, she may just give in and fake an orgasm just to end it and go back to sleep.

16. Uncomfortable positions. So you've read about a new position that you want to try, or you're suddenly feeling very horny while watching the television. And you push her down on a hard surface, contort her body and penetrate her. She may try to enjoy it, but if it's too uncomfortable to experience any pleasure out of it, she may just want to end it with a fake orgasm.

17. Her sex drive's down. Her sex drive may have taken a nosedive because of too much alcohol during the party, or a few pills that she's been taking recently. And rather than make you feel bad for not making her orgasm, she may want to fake it and please you instead.

18. It's that time of the month. Most women have varying sex drives at different times of the month. Some women are more aroused easily when they're ovulating, while a few other women feel the friskiest a day or two before their period. And at certain times of the month, they may feel too mellow to experience a real, wild orgasm no matter how hard a guy tries.

19. She's never really had an orgasm! Well, there are many women out there who still don't know what an orgasm is. They've had sex, and they've programmed their mind to squeeze their pelvis before a guy ejaculates. They just don't know what it feels like to orgasm, and they don't really care to fix it because they're too used to it!

20. It's emotional. Girls are far more emotional than visual when it comes to experiencing sexual pleasure and orgasms. Perhaps, she just hasn't reached that stage in the relationship where she feels comfortable enough to experience a real, knee buckling orgasm in your arms.

21. She just wants more. This isn't a guy's fault really. Maybe you're just dating a girl who's too demanding. She needs a lot of foreplay and a lot of sore sex before she actually feels an orgasm. And since she knows it, she may fake it once in a while just to make things easier for you.

22. What did you do?! Did you do something stupid in bed like stick your finger up her butt when you know she hates it? Or did you tell her that you want to have sex with her sister while she watches while dirty talking to her? Sometimes, a girl may just fake it and end it because of something you said or did in bed because she just doesn't want to continue having sex anymore.

Keep Your Erection Up And Hard For Longer In These 20 Ways

An erection is a funny thing. When it stays hard, you feel great about yourself but when it goes limp, no matter how hard you try, it can be the cause for some serious psychological concern.

If you're not really suffering from any medical conditions and still have a hard time keeping it hard, there are ways to keep it up and raring to go when you need it most. Just use these 20 tips on how to keep an erection up and it'll definitely make a difference in your life in a couple of weeks.

1. Talk about your fantasies. Distract yourself from your little head and use your big head in bed. Indulging in dirty talk and fantasies can help reignite the pleasure of sex for both of you.

2. Get kinky. Speak about your secret fantasies and fetishes with each other and indulge in them. Sometimes, all you need to bring your little guy up is a whole new sexual experience!

3. Be comfortable in bed. Don't carry your own weight on your arms for too long when you're on top of her. Feel relaxed and avoid any scenarios that bother you like sweating too much, overeating before sex or having sex when you're too tired.

4. Get innovative. Too much of a good thing can get boring. Your girl may be the sexiest thing alive, but unless you create new ways to enjoy each other in bed, one of you may get bored which will eventually lead to you feeling less satisfied and less horny.

5. Take time, don't rush in. This is something most guys don't know and don't care to know. Foreplay always helps the guy hold on longer. You may think it's pointless, but by indulging in foreplay for 15 minutes before penetration, your little guy would get more time to warm himself up for the act. Just don't think about your erection until you have to penetrate her. And when it's time, you can rest assured that he'll be ready.

6. Don't concentrate on your little head. Instead, just focus on satisfying and pleasuring your partner. When you spend too much time pondering over over how erect you are, you'd kill the fun which will in turn kill your erection.

7. Talk about it with your partner. When you can't hold on to a long erection, it'll definitely leave both of you upset. Learn to talk about it and reassure each other. Always ensure that bad sex is not getting in the way of good love.

8. Breathe. Breathe deeply in the mornings. It helps increase the oxygen in your blood flow and also calm you down when you're stressed.

9. Work out and look sexy. Better yet, start working out. A good cardio workout makes you feel fit and healthy, and it greatly improves your flexibility and blood circulation. When you look good, you'd feel alive down there. And the increased blood circulation would ensure that your boneless buddy would be upright and hard for a long time.

10. Quit smoking if you can. Smoking destroys your lungs which in turn affect the amount of oxygen your lungs can absorb, which increases the fatigue in your muscles and leaves you tired all the time. The more oxygen in your body, the easier it will be for that all important muscle to function down there.

11. Don't masturbate too often. Masturbation can be good to control the problem of premature ejaculation, but it's not good if you want to keep it hard for a long time.

12. Party. Go out, meet people and have fun every day. When you have an active lifestyle, your body will come back alive because it would be loaded with happy hormones that get activated when you interact with others.

13. Flirt with others. The longer a man stays away from flirting, the more his testosterone drops. Keep your libido on a high by indulging in a bit of flirty talk now and then and you'll always enjoy sex.

14. Don't change positions too often in bed. You may have heard that changing positions can be more fun. But by doing that, you'll end up worrying too much about whether your member will continue to stay erect during each penetration and end up feeling more stressed.

15. Stop worrying about the last time. Well, yeah, you had a hard time having a hard time the last time. But guess what, this is not last time. You can't expect sex to feel awesome every time. And when you do have a dry spell, don't let that bother you. Just indulge in foreplay, have fun and stop thinking about what went wrong the last time.

16. Shed your inhibitions. Love your body. Many men and women don't like looking at their own bodies while having sex because they think it looks ugly. If your physique bothers you, do something about it and get over it as soon as you possibly can.

17. Remember the good times. Think of the first time you and your girl had sex or made out. And talk about it in bed. There's something so sexually exciting about first times that it'll bring the excitement and sex appeal back instantly.

18. Don't hurry it up. It may seem like a good idea to slip it in quickly as soon as you know it's hard, and feel relieved that you were erect enough to penetrate her. But this routine will make you lose your confidence gradually and scare you away from slow and relaxed penetration over time.

19. Don't think only about penetration. Lovemaking isn't all about putting it in. If you want to get it hard and keep it hard, you need to learn to understand that lovemaking isn't just about the act of penetration. When you pay all the attention on penetration, it's inevitable that you'll end up putting a lot of pressure on yourself. Take time to please her in other ways and you'll see how relaxed and sensual sex really can be.

20. Avoid sex for a month. If nothing else works for you, this definitely should. Take sex out of the calendar for an entire month, and that includes even seeing each other naked. But woo each other and arouse each other by going out often. Grind at parties, kiss in public and pet each other when you feel horny. By restricting sex for a while, you can bring the arousal and curiosity back into bed. And that will definitely help you keep an erection up for as long as you have to perform.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Short Story: Ben's Mom!

It was a thursday and last lesson every thursday was P.E. doing Rugby outside and on this day it was typical english weather; absolutely chucking it down, anyway during the lesson I'd got someones boot in my thigh and the stud had cut my leg, so I just sat out for the last few minutes of the game. After the lesson noone bothers getting changed or washed because it was chucking it down so everyone got there stuff and left, it was my normal day I met my friend at the gate and walked home with him. I do usually also walk home with Ben but on a thursday he goes to his dads house for the night. I'd got home and was at the back door, I put my hand in my pocket on the shorts for my keys but they weren't there so I rummaged through everything in my bag but still no keys i then realized that I was one bag short my uniform and my keys were still back at school and I couldnt be bothered walking back to try find a teacher to open the changing rooms as it would take like an hour and a half to do that and get back. my parents werent going to be home for hours and I was freezing stood outside, so I went round to Ben's house as I knew his mum would be in. *knock knock* Sarah came to the door I explained to her that I was locked out and she kindly let me in. I was still filthy and rather cold and she told me that I could use her shower, I was showed how to use it etc and she said shed wash my dirty kit for me. She left the room took my clothes off and put them on the floor outside.I got my shower and got rid of all the mud of my body and cleaned my wound on my thigh which still really stinged. 

Once I'd finished my shower I got out and dried off with the towel however I had no clothes to wear, I wrapped the towel around me and went downstairs

"feeling warmer now?" sarah said to me as I stood there with my young body in nothing but a towel

"alot better thank you, but I havnt got anything to wear" i replied to her

"well I know youll think this is a bit weird but just go into Ben's room and get pair of boxers out of his draw, I dont know which draw they're in though just look around"

I went back up the stairs went into Ben's room and dropped my towel and began searchign through his draws. Next to his bed were a small set of drawers and in the top draw I found some boxers and put them on for some reason it felt a little erotic, in the draw though I also found sachets of lube, candle and a bottle, I knew what he'd been using these for. Once I had his boxers on I went back downstairs and sat down on the sofa.

"ouch that looks nasty" as she stroked my cut on my leg 

"yh its feeling a bit better though now" 

"il put some cream on it, it will heal faster that way and wont feel as painful"

"erm ok then" I said with a strangely excited voice

she came back and began rubbing the cream into my cut, it was a tad painful but also erotica and Iactually began so get a boner it kept getting harder and harder and then she noticed

" oh erm its ok Tom" she said 

"Sorry you know what its like im a teenage boy it happens rather easy"

"doesnt it just"

at this moment I had this wild thought that I could perhaps have a chance of getting something out of this, she was about 45yrs old,,not bad for a mum and was single and had been single for at least 10years probably more she must be wanting something other than a vibrator or her fingers (I just presumed she had vibrator as she cant have had sex in a while). so I played my cards rights and went for it.

"could you put a bit more of that cream on it please its still a little sore"

"hmm ok then" she began to rub and massage more of the cream on however this time she was moving on a bigger motion rubbing more of my leg so I went for it and went to kiss her 

my lips locked onto hers and she kissed me back we kept kissing and then I began to kiss her neck and moved down I took her bra off releasing her mature breasts which where big but not saggy, at this point she stopped stood up and took hold of my hand, we went upstairs into her bedroom and she threw me on the bed and jumped on top we began kissing again, I removed her top so that her breasts were properly out. My penis was now rock hard and throbbing to have her warm moist vagina round it. Sarah stood up on top of the bed and dropped her jeans and nickers. she came back down and and removed the boxers i was wearing my penis exposed she licked down my body and put it into her mouth making almost all of it go in, her wet mouth filled with saliva felt amazing on my sensitive bell end as her tongue wrapped round the shaft of it and licked the tip making the feeling build up inside me making me cum within 5 minutes, she swallowed it all back and then simply said 

"my turn now" as she winked at me.

She layed back on the bed and spread her legs her vagina was already really wet she had a runway strip which I found rather sexy her flaps covered in her juices. I moved down and placed two fingers inside of her and raised them to the top inside her finding her G-spot I began to pull them in and out gradually getting faster, she began to moan so I move my mouth down to it and started licking her clit with my tongue wiggling it about from side to side, up and down in all sorts of ways making her moan and grab my hair on my head as she got more and more excited I then moved back up and said
"its hard, I'm horny, your horny got a jonny?"

"top draw"

I looked inside and next to two rampant rabbit vibrators was a pack of durex condoms. I put one on and got into position Sarah grabbed my penis and put it in, I began to thrust in and out gaining speed making her moan more and more after 5 minutes she threw me off and put me on my back she got on top and began riding me letting her breasts bounce with each time she went up and down it also gave me a great view of watching her vagina and her runway strip after 15 minutes she said

"any other positions you want to try?"

"DOGGY!" I said rather excitedly 

she got on all 4's on the bed and I put it into her and began pumping again in this positions she felt tighter I pumped for 15 minutes and then in one fantastic orgasm I cummed the cum shooting out and getting stopped by the condom I pulled my penis out took the condom off and threw it on the floor, put the boxers back on 

"well thanks for that you not a bad shag" she said to me

"Haha thanks look my mum will be back now I'd best head home"

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

SHOCKING Reasons Why Masturbation Is BAD For You

Masturbation plays a big role in a normal sex life. Some of us discover it as children because it starts to feel so good between our legs. Others are shown by our friends.

We continue to masturbate because it feels so good. It gets us ready for mature sexual relationships when we reach adulthood, and it helps us take care of those raging hormonal urges and surges when we are teenagers. Masturbation can enhance mature sexual relationships where two partners use it either as a prelude to other sexual activity, or as the main fare. And it keeps us going when relationships falter, such as when a partner is ill or away. It is a great equalizer in a relationship where one partner needs more sexual activity than the other.

Masturbation is a healthy sexual behavior. Like other behaviors, when over practiced or addicted it can lead to both psychological and physiological imbalances.

The side effects of such changes to the body include:

  • Fatigue. Feeling tired all the time
  • Lower back pain
  • Thinning hair / Hair Loss
  • Soft / Weak Erection
  • Premature Ejaculation
  • Eye floaters or fuzzy vision
  • Groin / Testicular Pain
  • Pain or cramp in the pelvic cavity or/and tail bone

Over-masturbation can pose serious threat to sexual and over all health, curing these effects with herbal supplements is safe as herbs do not have side effects and are quick to alleviate the problem. Masturbation has been a way of satisfying sexual desires for both males and females since a long time, it is estimated that 94% of males and 64% of females practice masturbation. To an extent it is treated as harmless and even good for health but when the frequency of masturbation goes beyond the tolerance limit of body organs then its effects are dangerous if left untreated.

The biggest effect of over masturbation is mental rather than physical, person in habit of it gradually shifts away from normal intercourse and finds masturbation more satisfying and pleasurable. People in habit of it always seek few moments of loneliness to masturbate, even slightest arousal can make them aroused and they may feel the urge to discharge.

This situation can promote problems like low libido, ED and lack of orgasm. Other then these problems people in the habit of over masturbation may face the problems like prostatitis, weak parasympathetic nerve, distressed liver, semen leakage, premature ejaculation, sexual exhaustion, impotence and low sperm count.

How much is too much masturbation?
That depends but it's suggested men keep their ejaculation frequency down to 2-3 times a week. However, sexual activity can be experienced more often if men learn how to orgasm without ejaculation. Doing so can actually store bioenergy into your system and make your penis firmer, your erections last longer, and your ejaculate volume bigger.

Masturbation is a part of life and our sexual practices. In fact, most doctors recommend it, not only to improve sexual experiences but to also promote good general health. However, like most things in life, too much of a good thing can be bad. Excessive masturbation can lead to symptoms like stress, fatigue, and memory loss. In extreme cases, sufferers fall into the pitfalls of impotence and hair loss.

Strange Things That Happen To Your Body During Sex

From the second you get turned on to that awesome after-sex glow, your body is doing some amazing things to make sure you experience major pleasure. But we're willing to bet you're not aware of any of this as it's happening.

Well, prepare to have your mind blown by the impressive feats that happen while you're busy getting busy.

You find everything sexy: Sure, you know the basic things that get you raring to go (firemen, Ryan Gosling, any scene from Magic Mike...), but you might be turned on by a lot more than you think. Researchers from Queens University in Kingston, Ontario found that even though straight women reported only feeling aroused by men, their measures of physiological arousal (like vaginal blood flow) told a different story. Most women in the study were aroused by every sexual stimuli they saw (nude male and female bodies, heterosexual and homosexual sex, even animal sex), while men's arousal was much more predictable. The bottom line: Women have the ability to get turned on by a much broader range of situations. Lucky you!

You're not easily grossed out: There's a reason that you're less fazed by something like sweat or weird smells when you're having sex. When you're aroused, you're less likely to view gross things as being disgusting, according to a study published in the online journal PLOS One. So that explains why you're willing to put up with just-woke-up breath for the sake of morning sex.

Your brain notices every touch: There's way more going on up there than you might think. Researchers at Rutgers University used fMRI scanners to see exactly what happens in your brain when you're aroused. They found that different brain regions were activated in response to stimulation of the vagina, cervix, clitoris, and nipples. And because your mind is pretty crucial for arousal, stimulating several of these areas at once can lead to an even more explosive finish.

You get bigger where it counts: When you're aroused, your vagina literally expands to make room for your guy. The length of your vagina starts out around 3 inches which is why it might seem pretty shallow when you're just putting in a tampon but as you get aroused, your uterus is pulled up, lengthening the vaginal wall to around 5 inches or so, says Debby Herbenick, PhD, author of Because It Feels Good. And if you're with a particularly well-endowed guy, your uterus may get pushed back a bit farther, allowing for even more room.

You feel less pain: There's a reason that things like nibbling or hair pulling don't hurt as much while you're getting it on. Your pain threshold can increase significantly during arousal, according to a study published in the Journal of Sex Research. While this might make penetration more comfortable, Herbenick warns that there could be a downside: "Some people say that they've hurt themselves and didn't realize it until after sex."

Your girls go through changes: The next time you're getting busy, take a second to check out your chest. As a result of increased blood flow to the area, you'll probably notice that your nipples are erect and a little darker in color than usual. Plus, previous research shows that some women's breasts swell during arousal and can actually increase in size.

Your body starts blushing: Studies show that your facial and body temperature increases during sexual arousal, which explains why your face and chest might get a little red when you're having sex. Plus the increased blood flow and heart rate causes a "sex flush" in some people, which appears as a red or pinkish rash on your chest that goes away after arousal subsides.

Your mind chills out: If it seems like your brain turns to mush during an orgasm, you're kind of right. The amygdala, the part of the brain involved in fear and anxiety, essentially shuts down when women have an orgasm, according to a study from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. Even the body movements you make during orgasm are totally unconscious, according to brain scans.

Your muscles have a mind of their own:During orgasm, your body experiences a period of myotonia or muscle spasms due to the activation of the vaginal muscles, according to studies by pioneering sex researchers William Masters and Virginia Johnson. This causes the muscles in your legs, arm, neck, abdomen, and face to tense up. At the same time, involuntary vaginal contractions happen at regular intervals. Researchers still aren't sure why these spasms occur and why some women don't experience them at all.

Your bladder goes on hold: When you orgasm, your body releases an antidiuretic hormone, which is why you may not be able to pee right after sex, says Herbenick. Just don't put off hitting the bathroom too long, experts advise going after sex to help prevent UTIs.

"No Sex Untill The Road's Fixed": Women Across The Globe Join The 'Crossed Legs' Protests

Bogota, Colombia - To ensure that friends and neighbors could commute along a crumbling highway in a timely manner, a group of women in a remote Colombian town decided to cross their legs.

The women of Barbacoas made headlinesin 2011 by announcing they would refuse to have sex with their husbands and partners to protest the terrible condition of the road. When not closed by frequent flooding and mudslides, the 35-mile stretch could take up to 24 hours to travel.

Why, they asked, should they bring any more babies into the world when pregnant women were dying along the highway trying to get to the hospital?

"At first, the men were really angry," Maribel Silva, a Barbacoas judge and a spokeswoman for the town's 'crossed legs'movement, said. "But it worked."

The protest convinced Barbacoas' men to get involved, and apparently shamed government officials into taking action. Colombian army engineers recently began paving the beat-up parts of the highway, according to Col. Ricardo Roque, who is overseeing the project.

The Barbacoas protest is one of several recent sex strikes, a tactic that's gained popularityaround the world for a variety of causes.

Wives have refused sex to force politicians to form a coalition government in Belgium, to bring down a dictator in Togo and to end factional fighting in the Philippines. InKenya, protesters even offered to compensate prostitutes for not working during a 2009 sex strike called to force an end to political infighting.

Women, who throughout history have found themselves at a disadvantage with men holding most of the power, have long known that men have a special vulnerability when it comes to sex.

In Colombia, the idea dates back to the late 1990s, when the army appeared to be losing the war to Marxist guerrillas. Things got so bad that Gen. Manuel Jose Bonett, who was then Colombia's army chief and one of the country's more philosophical officers looked to the ancient Greeks for guidance.

Bonett began extolling the antiwar message of Lysistrata, Aristophanes' historical play in which the title character convinces her female colleagues to refuse to have sex with their husbands until they ended the Pelopennesian War between Athens and Sparta.

Bonett went on to suggest that female guerrillas stage their own sexual boycott.

Over the past decade, the rebels of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, have been weakened by a US-backed military offensive. But the FARC remains active, which helps explain why Colombia's roads often seem more like mule trails than motorways.

The fighting, which began 50 years ago, kept many Colombians from traveling overland or prompted them to fly to outlying cities. That, in turn, reduced pressure on the government to build new roads while public works money was sometimes shifted to the military budget. When new road projects were approved, the threat of rebel attacks led to huge delays.

The Barbacoas road, for example, was built decades ago, but repairs have been sporadic. Between 2002 and 2009, four engineering firms were contracted to fix the highway, but all four pulled out amid FARC attacks, Col. Roque said.

Even in peaceful areas, constructing and repairing roads is challenging.

Colombia is also divided by three Andean mountain ranges that often receive torrential downpours.

Rutted, washed-out highways create so many delays that it can cost more to send a container of Colombian goods from Bogota to seaside ports than to than to ship a container from the ports to China, according to transportation experts.

If Colombia improved its roads and reduced transportation costs by a mere 1 percent, a new study by the Inter-American Development Bank says, the country could boost its exports by 6 to 8 percent.

In Barbacoas, a town of 35,000 in southwest Narino department, residents are simply trying to get to the provincial capital of Pasto, which is home to decent hospitals and government offices. But the once-paved road is now, in many areas, a ribbon of mud and clay.

"The holes in the road could swallow a truck," Col. Roque added.

Silva, the protest spokeswoman, recalled the case of a woman with a complicated pregnancy who was evacuated from Barbacoas bound for the hospital in Pasto. But the journey took so long that the woman went into labor and both she and her baby died in the back of the ambulance.

Such cases prompted Silva and about 300 other Barbacoas women to start their crossed-legs protest. Many participating women slept in the town's sports coliseum, then returned home in the morning.

At the time, Barbacoas Mayor Jose Arnulfo Preciado told The Associated Press he would submit to a polygraph to prove the protest was honored, and he noted that his wife slept in a separate room during the strike.

"My husband almost had a heart attack. He was in shock," said Liliana Mendez, a social worker who joined the protest after getting stuck on the road amid a downpour that forced her and her two daughters to spend the night in her car.

"When men are denied intimacy, they try to get it back," she said. "So lots of men began to take the protest seriously and to say: 'We better help find a solution.'"

The original sex strike lasted about three months until road funding was promised from the national, state and local governments.

Army engineers began work in late 2011. But a soldier working on the road was killed in a guerrilla attack. There were also delays in securing construction materials and equipment and the work quickly ground to a halt.

Now, Col. Roque claims that work has started back up and that the first 5 miles of road have been paved.

"The idea is that the road will be finished as soon as possible," said Rene Veira, the Barbacoas town planning secretary.

But some of the protesters are taking no chances, according to Silva. She said several women have pledged to keep their legs crossed until the last mile is paved.

Sperm Holograms Could Help Fight Malaria - Scientists

A 3D filming technique which captures the corkscrew motion of malaria sperm has been developed by Edinburgh University scientists.

The moving digital holograms have given new insights into how the sperm moves more freely than had been thought.

Understanding how malaria parasites mate could pave the way for improved prevention and control of the disease.

Malaria parasites mate in the gut of mosquitoes and people catch the disease when they are bitten.

Researchers from Edinburgh University and the Rowland Institute at Harvard University were able to see malaria sperm move in an irregular, lopsided corkscrew motion, which allows them to twist to the left or the right, as well as go forwards and backwards.

The motion is thought to help the sperm swim between red blood cells to find female mates. Malaria sperm use microscopic structures, called flagella, to swim.

The structures are important because they are used by many parasites to invade parts of the body.

They also perform essential roles in embryonic development, reproduction, and nutrient uptake in all animals.

Scientists said the simple structure of the malaria sperm makes it an excellent model system to study flagella in animals.

Dr Sarah Reece, an Edinburgh University royal society fellow, said: "Findings gained using our unique system provide us with a better understanding of how malaria parasites mate and spread this deadly disease, and have revealed that malaria sperm, and similar organisms, have greater freedom of movement than was previously thought."

The study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, was funded by the Rowland Institute at Harvard, the Natural Environmental Research Council, the Wellcome Trust, the Royal Society, and Edinburgh University.

Increase Your Sexual Desire Naturally

If you'd like to take advantage of some of the health benefits that regular sexual activity has to offer, yet find that your desire just isn't what it used to be, there are many natural tips that can help.

Your sexual fires may also be fanned simply by eating less sugar. High levels of sugar in your bloodstream can actually turn off the gene that controls your sex hormones.

Other tips to give your libido a big-time boost include:

Getting physically active: Studies have shown that men who engaged in regular physical activity lowered their risk of experiencing sexual dysfunction. Remember, when using exercise as a drug, it's important to vary your routine.

Optimising your diet based on your body's unique nutritional type: Everybody has a unique nutritional type with varying demands for the ratios of macronutrients (fats, proteins and carbohydrates) to function optimally. When you're eating the foods your body was designed to eat, you'll notice improvements in every aspect of your health. Some people do better eating mainly proteins, some do better eating mainly carbohydrates and some do better eating a combination of proteins and carbohydrate. You will need to do tests to find out which metabolic type you are.

Optimising your vitamin D and insulin levels: These simple measures have profound influences on every area of your health, including your sex life. Consider using choline and vitamin B5 supplements. The neurotransmitter that triggers the sexual message, in both men and women, is acetylcholine.

According to a study on the impact of sex on stress, as measured by blood pressure levels in stressful situations, sexual intercourse may be one of the best ways to calm your nerves.

Sexual desires, as well as orgasm, are controlled by various influences on the brain and nervous system. Researchers have revealed many similarities between men and women; contrary to popular belief, for example, visual stimuli spur sexual stirrings in both.

Also, brain imaging studies show that achieving orgasm involves far more than merely heightened arousal. It requires a release of inhibitions, culminating in a shutdown of the brain's center of vigilance in both sexes, and a widespread neutral power failure in women.

So being fat can have a negative effect on your sexual desire and satisfaction. New research shows that if you are fat and can lose about 13 percent of your body weight over two years you can feel more sexually attractive and have greater sexual desire. So you don't need drugs to have a better sex life. Losing a bit of weight may just do the trick.

The Real Reason Men Perform Oral Sex On Women

According to a recently published study, one of the reasons men perform oral sex on female partners may be to minimize the risk of infidelity.

The study, published in the Journal of Evolutionary Psycholgy, sought to discover why men perform oral sex on women, since the act does not lead directly to reproduction.

After surveying 243 adult men in heterosexual relationships, the researchers deduced that cunnilingus is used to discourage women from cheating, a theory the authors refer to as a "mate-retention strategy."

The research suggest that men perform oral sex on their female partners in order "to minimize the risk of their partner's infidelity by increasing her relationship satisfaction."

The study has garnered some negative reactions across the web.

An article on The Gloss wondered why the researchers aren't "questioning the evolutionary advantage of oral sex for men? Isn't that purposeless, too?" writer, Kate Gilbert pointed out that perhaps men perform oral sex because it's pleasurable: "Sorry science guys, sometimes things are just meant for fun."

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Things You Should NEVER Say To A Woman During Sex

Whether it's your wife of five years or a chick you just met at a bar, sex is an incredibly intimate experience-especially for the woman.

So when you're in the bedroom (or elsewhere), it's important to avoid unnecessary commentary that could ruin the mood, or worse- make her not want to sleep with you again. From discussing your sexual repertoire to assessing her orgasm, here are five subjects to stay away from during sex.

1. "Not like that."

Remember in school when you were taught to give "constructive criticism?" This does not apply to your lady in the bedroom. It's not very sexy or encouraging to tell a woman her skills are subpar in the heat of the moment. You should always frame it in the positive by talking about what you do like. How we say things to each other can make a huge difference in performance and sexual confidence.

Also avoid: "What are you doing?"

2. "My ex used to love it when I..."

All women are different, so don't lean heavily on past experiences-and definitely don't discuss it. Besides, who's to say that the previous women didn't fake their pleasure just to get you to finish quicker? Talking about your prior sexual encounters can drive a woman completely crazy-and not in a good way. She doesn't need to hear about it, and if you bring it up, she'll feel threatened and jealous. For a lot of women, that's a dealbreaker."

Also avoid: "Let's try this position that I did one time with..."

3. "I have to be out of here by 4:00."

Making allusions to the idea that you don't have much time to work with is a major mood-killer. If you absolutely must talk about somewhere that you need to be, or the fact that you're in a rush, at least wait until afterward!

Also avoid: "I need to wake up super early tomorrow."

4. "I wish you had more ass to grab!"

Here's a newsflash: Women are often extremely insecure, especially when they're naked and most vulnerable. Pointing out things about other women's bodies that you like, particularly ones that highlight what your partner doesn't have, is a major no. Anything that's going to make a woman self-conscious is a female-libido kill. She'll shut down immediately."

Also avoid: "What's that weird red bump on your back?"

5. "Did you come yet?"

Contrary to popular belief, "an orgasm does not define good or bad sex. So please stop asking if she came or saying that you want to see her come. That puts way too much pressure on her.If she did climax, she can choose to say something or not, but it's important to remember that for a woman, having an orgasm does not equal having a good time in bed. It can be lovely...but it should not be the goal.

Also avoid: "Are you going to come soon?"