I love making a woman cum, it feels phenomenal to have that power of having a woman give herself to you during orgasm. To release herself and lose control of her body to the most pleasurable natural experience humans have. I love going down on a woman, tasting her, smelling her, and feeling her with my tongue. Perhaps I am weird but I’m a selfless lover, I’d rather give head than get head (part of it is because women rarely know how to give a good blow job, sorry ladies).
Note: I still believe a woman’s orgasm is purely cerebral and if you combine these techniques with mental stimulation you can be Eros a god of lust, love, and intercourse.
I can’t say I eat pussy the best but I can lick a kitten and I can make it purr for extended periods of time. I’ve never had anyone complain about my technique because my techniques are largely based on their response (positive means continue negative means move away). I want to say that it takes a minute to notice her positive reaction but look for arousal when it comes to her positive reaction, look for discomfort when it comes to negative reaction.
The key to being a great sexual partner is to respond to what she likes and dislikes accordingly, notice whether she likes when you lick all the way up and down, or notice when she likes you lick shorter. You have to figure out what she likes because a woman flows with her mood, even within the same sexual session she may prefer one action or the other, so make sure you realize your goal as a good lover is to fulfill her desire each moment which may be different moment to moment.
Note: There are many entire books written about going down on a woman so understand I can’t cover nearly enough in a blog.
I was going to post some pictures but that will make this pretty R-rated. I want you guys to go familiarize yourself with the anatomy of a woman. You should know where the clit is, where the “g-spot” is, where the anus is, what the labia is, if you want to be good at eating pussy you need to know your way around it. Go study it, if someone asks why, tell them you need to learn to please a woman properly, if you are young and your parents catch ya you’re a curious teenager.
Here is a solid write up I found for you guys on it with some solid stimulation techniques as well.
Female Anatomy Guide
Getting “Down” to it
Ok when it comes down to going down on a woman it isn’t so much what you do but how you do it. It’s not just licking a clit that makes a woman cum, it’s really how you do it. This includes how you start. When I start going down on a woman I don’t go straight for the source, you need a little tease before you start to please.
Starting out Teasing
When I start going down on a woman I kiss every part of her but not her clit, I breath on it, I even get within centimeters of it but I don’t touch it. I build it up, I make the touch more worth it. I make it as sensory orientated as I can this means I start out kissing her thigh or biting her thigh. Yes I nibble a woman’s thigh or bite, it all depends on the woman and what she wants. Before I get to it though it is wet and ready, I don’t tease for hours but I make sure she is ready for that touch. I want to touch to be needed by the time I get to her pussy.
I want a lesson on oral sex from a lesbian, home field advantage and all, but all I got is the advice of one. Here is a quote from someone with home field advantage, this is a quote from Txacoli, a woman who I participated in a conversation about oral sex on a forum:
I start by smelling it and just teasing her with my nose. Then I'll do a couple of gentle, soft tongue moves from the center towards the clit, with the mouth wrapped around also using the breath to create some pleasant sensations, increasing the intensity with each stroke, I'll take my time with this, it's very arousing for me and my partner usually.
Here is another quote on her nose and breath techniques:
… what I do if a girl needs more stimulation, is that I run my nose down her clit until my tongue is in her vagina, then up again, running the nose up the clit, followed by the tongue, so she gets a lot of surface in one movement.
... in the beginning when I still tease her, I'll put my mouth around the clit and breathe out warm air, followed by the tongue, it's usually very pleasant. Later when it gets heavier, you can use the breath in and breath out while in close contact with the pussy and add a growl of satisfaction hehe, I don't think it provides some sort of crazy stimulus, but I think it's very erotic, well to me it is at least.
When I start out actually stimulating a woman I start very gentle. The clit is a very sensitive area and you can start to heavy and hurt a woman, it’s very important to realize the clit has the most nerve endings of any part of the female body. I prefer to start with the tip of my tongue, so as not to be too aggressive. If I had been stimulating her with my hand already (normally I start out by making a woman cum through her clothes), I can start off a little more direct.
Note: A woman has 8000 nerve endings, that tiny area has that much stimulation so be careful early to not be too aggressive (some women have sensitive clits during the entire experience). The uncircumcised penis has only 4000, but the foreskin of a penis has up to 20,000 nerve endings in it. That said look at how much bigger more skin it covers and there really is only 3 times as much nerve endings. Women are far more sensitive to their clit then men to their penis.
Early on if a woman isn’t fully aroused(one of the reasons I make sure to warm her up) you will need to pull the hood above her clit back to start licking it.
Different Strokes for Different Folks

There are many, many, different ways to stimulate a woman with your tongue, here are a few ideas but keep in mind as I said each moment is different and thus requires a different tool.
-Licking all the way up the clit
-Gently licking the clit with the tip of your tongue
-Move your tongue along the out skirts of her clit teasing it
-Move your tongue in a circular pattern on her clit
-Lick just a little part of her clit
-Wider tongue strokes
-Gentler tongue strokes
-Aggressive tongue strokes
- I will pull up on the area straddling the clit (pelvic bone) and pull the labia up with my fingers while licking her clit. This is a two handed technique for me since I am almost always stimulating their G-spot.
These are ideas that work and I have used all of them even during the same session, basically you use your imagination.
Multiple forms of Stimulation
Women are very sensual, very sexual, very beautiful creatures, they are amazing, they love intimacy, they love touch during sex. They love multiple forms of stimulation. Men have a problem, we have a hard time doing two things at once we are focused on one task at a time, go on try rubbing your belly and patting your head. Girls were always better at it than boys in school.
When I start eating a woman one my hands are everywhere. I grip their hips, grab their throat, grab their breasts, scratch their midsection, my hand moves around, they don’t stay still. When I find something a woman likes I stick with it but I move away here and there to a different erotic zone so that me stimulating that area doesn’t “get old.” Keeping things a little spontaneous is key. There is a point when you get a woman to a point where she is towards climax and you shouldn’t stop stimulating that area at this point, if she is close to climax or is cumming do not stop that stimulation or you can stop her from orgasm.
G-Spot Stimulation
When I eat a woman I also almost always stimulate the g-spot. You use your finger rubbing it at a speed that seems to please her most (though I do alternate a bit teasing early on). A lot of woman need both the g-spot and the clit licking but you should get proficient at making a woman cum from either clit or g-spot orgasm. If you get a woman going you can alternate orgasms, between g-spot and clitoral stimulated orgasm.
Note: There is speculation that the clit and g-spot are two different orgasms and I’d have to agree. This means you can give a woman two types of orgasm at once, boy don’t they get lucky.
When you stimulate the g-spot just like anything else you need to find a pace that stimulates her which means making sure to pay attention to positive and negative reactions and respond accordingly.
Fun Fact
A woman has a higher pain threshold at orgasm due to G-spot stimulation quote:
Whipple's research has suggested that the sensitive G-spot has a pain-blocking function during labor; when the baby's head is stretching out the vaginal walls, it might be advantageous to have a little relief. Her studies have found that when pressure is applied to the G-spot, a woman's pain threshold shoots up 47 percent. Link
At Orgasm
Most of the time when I am going down on a woman I have mental things going on where I tell her to focus on the sensation or how good it feels. So I continue to stimulate at orgasm, because she is only focused on the sensation so she releases when climax comes about or when I tell her to. If you aren't sure when a woman is about to cum you can read this.
Oh man biting, I don't like to get bit, it's not about the pain for me. I don't necessarily prefer biting women but during sex at orgasm there is often that point where they enjoy more stimulation. Biting is a small pain but as shown a woman's pain threshold is higher during g-spot stimulation. If a woman likes when you bite, you can bite their thigh while you rub their clit with my thumb, and simultaneously stimulate their g-spot with your finger at orgasm. It works well and I've made women cum very hard with it.
A Technique I've never Used
I’ve never tried this technique (mainly because I forgot about it) but this sounds like an interesting thought.
Here is another quote from Txacoli:
Now, when I sense she is going to come I do the following. Usually before she comes, you can notice her clitoris will become smaller, it actually goes inwards a bit and then comes back out when she orgasms. When I feel it going inwards, it's sure sign she's coming, at this point I will stop producing any movement with my tongue because it can screw up the whole thing if you get the rhythm wrong and diminish her orgasm. If she wasn't holding your head before, she will be now, she can't help herself. I'll just put my tongue out softly and let her work the rhythm, since during the orgasm the rhythm changes too, especially towards the last bit of the orgasm and in my opinion the best bit, usually she will be making some really slow movements with her hips.
I actually love the concept of it. I want to try it but as I said my technique is mind focused and I have them focus on stimulation so if I stop stimulating they won’t come to orgasm.
Some Last Advice from Txacoli:
Some general tips for the beginners. Don't lick pussy porn style, it's not good. Don't spread her labia with your hands and work the clit with a pointy tongue with your mouth away from her pussy, it's useless at best and painful at worst. Always make sure your mouth is where your tongue is and you adjust the tongue rigidness to the girl in question. If in doubt, just pretend you are making out with her.
Hope you guys enjoy! Happy Eating!
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*Science of natural game*